Sen. Bumstead reacts to State of the State address

Sen. Bumstead reacts to State of the State address

LANSING, Mich. — State Sen. Jon Bumstead, R-Newaygo, issued the following statement on Wednesday, in response to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s 2019 State of the State address:

“I appreciated hearing the governor’s vision for Michigan in her State of the State address.

“There were many good ideas that she presented, but the devil is always in the details. Unfortunately, we didn’t hear many details about how we will be able to accomplish the goals she spoke about.

“What I was very glad to hear the governor talk about is the need for increased focus on improving the skills of our workforce, so they may meet the needs of today’s jobs. Specifically, I will work to increase funding for our career tech programs that can help our students as well as displaced workers.

“I share the governor’s concern about clean water and ensuring that our environment is protected and areas that are struggling with contamination get our immediate attention to ensure that Michigan families are protected. As chairman of the Department of Environmental Quality budget, I am committed to making this a priority as we craft Michigan’s budget over the coming months.

“For eight years in a row, the Legislature and governor have approved the state budget well before the beginning of the fiscal year. Responsible financing led to a balanced and stabilized budget, which increased funding for schools and roads, and for programs that so many Michiganders rely on. I hope this is a trend we are able to continue in 2019.

“I look forward to the governor’s budget presentation and working with her administration to continue fixing our state’s crumbling roads and bridges. The Legislature has approved major investments in recent years, and I would like to see the Legislature prioritize the budget so that more can be invested.

“Lastly, it is my hope that we can continue building a better Michigan and working together on behalf of all Michigan residents. I hope we can continue productive discussions with the new administration and continue Michigan’s comeback.”




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