Senator Jon Bumstead's Press Releases

Bumstead: Budget forecast provides opportunity to invest in shared priorities, help struggling Michiganders

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Appropriations Minority Vice Chair Jon Bumstead, R-North Muskegon, released the following statement after state fiscal and economic leaders made their economic and state tax revenue projections — anticipating a $1.1 billion surplus in the general fund over the next two years — during Friday’s annual January Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference: “As we look forward to a projected general fund surplus for the

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Bumstead bill to allow for firearms safety classes in Michigan schools earns unanimous committee approval

LANSING, Mich. — State Sen. Jon Bumstead’s legislation to allow firearms safety to be taught in Michigan schools was passed unanimously Wednesday by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Agriculture. “My office worked very closely with many invested parties, including the Michigan Department of Education and Department of Natural Resources, to find language for this bill that could build up broad bipartisan support,” said Bumstead,

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Bumstead opposes budget bills increasing state debt, taxes

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Appropriations Minority Vice Chair Jon Bumstead, R-North Muskegon, on Thursday issued the following statement following the passage of the state’s 2025 fiscal year budget: “It is unfortunate that Democrats moved forward with their plan to raid teachers’ retirement funds to foolishly subsidize unsustainable programs with no long-term plan or return on investment. Instead of addressing why Michigan students are underperforming by nearly

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Bumstead: ‘It is financially irresponsible to burden future Michiganders with more debt’

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Appropriations Minority Vice Chair Jon Bumstead urged fellow lawmakers to hit the brakes on plans to plunge the state deeper into debt after Senate Democrats on Thursday fast-tracked Senate Bill 911 to help set up a multi-million-dollar raid on Michigan’s teacher retirement fund. “It is financially irresponsible to burden future Michiganders with more debt,” said Bumstead. R-North Muskegon. “Data presented by experts

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Sen. Bumstead welcomes Marine Helicopter Squadron One veteran to Capitol for Memorial Day ceremony

LANSING, Mich. — Sen. Jon Bumstead, R-North Muskegon, on Thursday welcomed U.S. Marine Corps veteran Chief Warrant Officer 4 Thomas Drent of North Muskegon, to the state Capitol as his special guest for the Senate’s 29th Annual Memorial Day Service to honor Michigan’s fallen service members. Drent served from 1983 to 2007 and was assigned to Marine Helicopter Squadron One from 2005 to 2007. Marine Helicopter

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Bumstead urges lawmakers to ‘proceed with caution’ following May revenue estimates

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Appropriations Minority Vice Chair Jon Bumstead, R-North Muskegon, released the following statement after state fiscal and economic leaders made their economic and state tax revenue projections during Friday’s annual May Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference: “This latest revenue estimate sends a serious message that lawmakers should proceed with caution as we finalize the state’s 2025 fiscal year budget over the next few weeks.

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