LANSING, Mich. — Senate Appropriations Minority Vice Chair Jon Bumstead highlighted several conservative budgetary victories on Wednesday after voting to send the state’s fiscal year 2024 spending plan — House Bill 4437, the general omnibus budget, and Senate Bill 173, the education omnibus budget — on to the governor for her signature.
“Budgets are statements of priorities, and it is important that the state budget reflects the shared priorities and values of the taxpayers of Michigan who we represent,” said Bumstead, R-North Muskegon, who serves as the Senate Appropriations Committee minority vice chair. “While this budget isn’t perfect, I am proud of the efforts of my conservative colleagues in the Senate who continue to stand firm on our shared values. Because of their efforts, we were able to lessen the impact of ill-advised spending schemes and refocus substantial dollars on important investments into our educational systems, provide for public safety, and paying down our debts.”
Among the conservative budget victories highlighted by Bumstead include:
- $200 million toward the state’s higher education school employee’s retirement system debt.
- Funding for schools to hire school resource officers to keep our kids safe.
- A $458 increase to the per-pupil foundation allowance.
- No cuts to Michigan’s cyber schools, which are utilized by families across our state.
- More than $215 million to repair the local roads and bridges.
- Over $500 million for drinking water and wastewater improvement projects.
- Limiting tuition increases at Michigan’s public universities and community college to 4.5% and penalizing any school that exceeds that amount.
- Investments made into our beautiful state parks.
“Senate Republicans will keep advocating for our shared priorities like providing tax relief for families and adequate funding to fix our roads and bridges,” Bumstead said. “We can continue to work together to find a bipartisan compromise that makes necessary investments, and I will remain a strong voice for fiscal responsibility in Lansing.”