LANSING, Mich. — State Sen. Jon Bumstead was sworn in for his first term representing the 34th District on Wednesday during a ceremony at the state Capitol. Michigan Supreme Court Chief Justice Stephen J. Markman administered the oath of office.
Following the swearing-in ceremony, the 100th Legislature convened for its first day of business.
“Michigan is home to one of the nation’s most remarkable comeback stories,” said Bumstead, R-Newaygo. “I look forward to working with my new colleagues and continuing efforts to make Michigan a better place to live and raise a family.”
Editor’s note: A print-quality version of the above photograph is available by clicking on the image or by visiting the senator’s website at Click on “Photos” under the “In the News” tab.
Photo caption: StateSen. Jon Bumstead, R-Newaygo, was joined by his wife Cindi and friends and family during Wednesday’s swearing-in ceremony at the state Capitol in Lansing.