I am incredibly blessed to have earned your trust to be your voice in our state’s Capitol. I take this responsibility seriously and am humbled every time I walk into that historic building and make my way to the Senate chamber.
I wanted to take the time to highlight some of the efforts from the last year that have benefited communities across the 34th District and made them a better place to work and live.
I am currently working on Senate Bills 600 and 601, which would update the graduation requirements for Michigan students. These reforms will better prepare students for their own personal future, rather than requiring cookie-cutter guidelines across the board. I think this is an important step to take when it comes to filling Michigan’s diverse selection of jobs and broadening the state’s workforce.
I also joined one of my colleagues in introducing legislation aimed at protecting your privacy and target phone fraud in Michigan. SBs 647 and 648 would create state penalties for the act known as “phone spoofing” to give more options for state prosecution of these crimes. Phone spoofing is when a caller changes caller ID to any number other than the actual calling number, often accompanied by the intent to commit some sort of fraud.
The 34th District has been fortunate to have been the center of many discussions in the Legislature over the last year. I sponsored SB 711 to assist a local company in Norton Shores that was having a difficult time with a state agency. This initiative clarifies Michigan law to allow beer to be transferred from one brewery to another for further processing. This bill will keep local jobs in our community, and additional jobs could be created in the future.
I voted to secure crucial funding to help clean up and improve the Sherman Boulevard corridor in Muskegon Heights. The funds were requested to fix sidewalks, improve lighting, add bus station shelters and convert blighted, abandoned properties into useful properties or replace them with green spaces. I also supported a 1.03-acre land acquisition at Golden Township Park at Silver Lake Sand Dunes. The land will be used as an additional greenspace and overflow parking for visitors attending the various festivals and events.
I am also currently working on legislation, which passed the Senate Thursday morning, that would give local governments additional tools to deal with local leaders who routinely fail to perform their duties.
I do my best to listen to residents and consider the issues that are brought to my attention. Since taking office last January, I have routinely held office hours meetings and have continued to schedule several meetings every month so far in 2020. An open line of communication with residents is crucial for government to be effective, and I look forward to speaking with you next time I come to your community.
Last year was a productive year for the 34th District. As we continue into the new year, I want to note that my door is always open. If my staff or I can be of any help to you with a state issue, please feel free to contact my office at 517-373-1635 or by email at [email protected].
I look forward to hearing from you on how we can continue working together to continue building a better Michigan.
Sen. Jon Bumstead, R-Newaygo, represents the 34th state Senate District, which includes Muskegon, Newaygo and Oceana counties.