Bumstead reacts to governor’s budget presentation

Bumstead reacts to governor’s budget presentation

LANSING, Mich. — State Sen. Jon Bumstead, R-Newaygo, issued the following statement on Thursday in response to the administration’s fiscal year 2021 budget recommendations:

“Every year, the governor’s office prepares a presentation for the Legislature outlining what the goals and expectations are for the upcoming budget. As vice chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, one of my roles is to consider this information and compare it with revenue projections along with current funding and budget obligations.

“Last month during the Consensus Revenue Estimating Conference, we were shown data suggesting our revenues for the upcoming years will continue growing because our economy is thriving. Conference findings revealed that revenues are up for the current fiscal year and projected to be even higher for fiscal year 2021.

“I join the governor in remaining focused on improving the skills of our workforce. I am happy to see a commitment to continuing Michigan’s comeback and fostering a growing economic climate. The need for specialized workers has never been higher. Businesses are growing, and companies are in dire need of people to fill those jobs. We need to work to get people in these positions and encourage families to start their lives in Michigan.

“I am also happy to see continued support for cleaning up our drinking water and protecting the Great Lakes. As chairman of the Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy budget, I will continue working with my colleagues and the department to continue testing and cleanup efforts, while also making sure available resources are used responsibly. I have always been open to discussions on how we can improve these initiatives and will continue these talks throughout the upcoming process.

“The presentation again included an increase in K-12 funding, and just like last year, I will support Michigan’s teachers and students. Last year, the governor called for a 1.5x increase, and I joined my colleagues in approving an even larger increase to further close the gap between Michigan schools. I will again support efforts to ensure equity for schools in the 34th District.

“For years, the Legislature and governor have approved the state budget well before the beginning of the fiscal year. Last year’s budget was certainly not ideal, but we won’t let that hold us back. The governor and Legislature have agreed to new budget guidelines for the upcoming year and I hope we can work together to approve a responsible budget that makes Michigan even stronger.”


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